About the Author
J.W. Baccaro has written the epic fantasy series ‘Guardian of the
Seventh Realm. Home is in upstate New York with his wife Melissa. When
he is not creating fabulous cities such as Loreladia, he is creating
music with his band. Jason spends his time with literature, gardening,
the wonders of nature, the mysteries of space, and time with his
Contact J.W. Baccaro: jwbaccaro@yahoo.com
Guardian of the Seventh Realm
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Hello Jennifer and Amy at Seduced By Books. I’m very pleased to be on your Blog once again. Thank you for the time.
If any of your followers have seen me before, then they already know the basics of my Epic Fantasy series “Guardian of the Seventh Realm.” If not, just follow the link below and it will take you to the interview Jennifer had given me back in August 2011:
Today, I’d like to talk about the “violence theme” in my series, something many people love and comment on in my writing. Those who know me are dumbfounded because they call me a “teddy bear” in everyday life, and yet my stories are full of decapitating heads, broken bones and good guys being stomped into the ground by the boots of my sexy Dark Queen Talvenya. *smiles*
For starters, I have to say that I'm happy people are seeing the “darkness” in this story. I admit it is very dark, a tale of brutality, and even some perverse sections involving the Dark Queen Talvenya. There are many reasons why I had written it like that. First, I didn't wish to write a “candy-coated” adversary. When I get involved into a tale of good verses evil, I want to feel “afraid” of the dark—to a certain extant. If I don't feel threatened by the adversary or his or her minions, I gradually lose interest in the conflict, and soon enough the story.
Second, for me, the violence in my series—especially book two “Siege of Darkness,” is a reflection of how cruel mankind can sometimes be, and even the “red in tooth in claw” of Mother Nature herself. Sure, nature is beautiful; I mean, one of my favorite simple pleasures in life is to gaze at a blue summer sky filled with mammoth-sized white clouds (which still remind me of marshmallow fluff!), as a warm breeze blows against you, carrying with it the delightful smells of summer, or the gorgeous lilacs and majestic peonies with their immaculate scents. I swear I could get lost for hours with my face stuffed in a lilac bush or a peonies flower...I just have to watch out for the bumble bees and ants! Darn things! And let’s not forget those adorable little fawns walking with their mother. They often cross our yard—a doe with her two fawns, the little ones following her lead, strolling down the grassy slope, by-passing the apple trees and wandering into the wilderness. Yes, very beautiful indeed, and yet, what goes on every night within that wilderness when the coyotes awaken is far from beautiful, but that is the way of this world, beautiful at times, but also very dark.
”Guardian of the Seventh Realm” is also a reflection of the trials in life that we all face, unless you are one of the blessed ones who have never tasted darkness or even seen it...but that is a rarity. The main protagonist of my stories, Darshun Luthais, learns the hard way by facing this darkness, brutality and death. For him, it was necessary to experience the evils of the world and suffer before he could truly come to terms with what he was born to be, the Guardian of the Seventh Realm. I can parallel this to my own life as well. I would not be where I am now had I not faced my own demons, trials and hardships, and to a certain extant, conquered them. It is an unfortunate suffering many of us have to go through in life, but a “fortunate blessing” once the tribulation is over. And though I often felt alone, as Darshun sometimes feels, there would always be someone there to lift me up with a helping hand, as there always is for Darshun.
And so, as more fans of fantasy enter the “Seventh Realm” I have created, I hope they will continue to enjoy the journey I have paved for them, and feel as though you are traveling alongside Darshun and our other heroes as part of the quest. And maybe, just maybe, when Darshun gets out of line, give him a good kick in the arse! It will do him well, the cocky Nasharin he can sometimes be. *laughs*
Once last thing: besides the violence, I’m really pleased that people are seeing and feeling the courage, loyalty and romantic elements of the stories. Calm down fans of hot and steamy romance—it’s not an erotica, but there is a strong kiss of romance in it between a small number of characters, and also a bit of Dark Erotica. Fun, fun! :)
Thank you again, Jennifer and Amy.
PART ONE: Prophecy of the Guardian
by J.W. Baccaro
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
EBook formats ISBN: 978-1-60313-913-7
Print format ISBN: 978-1-61160-024-7
The Second Great War between the Light and the Dark has begun, and
Abaddon the Demon Lordis searching for the four ancient Wizard
Crystals of the Elements. Once the Crystals arein his hands, and
corrupted to evil, he will destroy the forces of Light upon the
earth,and transform the world into eternal darkness.
But Darshun Luthais, one of the last Nasharin warriors, along with a
few companions, sets out on a quest to find the Crystals first. Along
the journey they encounter giant six-legged serpents, the ruthless
Cullach, and other entities of darkness; yet the most challenging
obstacle is Darshun's constant struggle against temptations of evil,
and his vow to hold to the faith of all who are calling him the
Guardian—the prophesied warrior who will bring down the Demon Lord.
PART TWO: Siege of Darkness
by J W Baccaro
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
EBook formats ISBN: 978-1-60313-981-6
Trade paperback ISBN: 978-1-60313-981-6
Tragedy strikes Zithel, and the city of monks goes up in flames. The
Earth-Wizard Mazarian has disappeared, and the army of Asgoth has
taken back the Wizard Crystals of the Elements, ready to deliver them
into the hands of their master: the Demon Lord Abaddon, where they
will be corrupted and used against the very elements they were created
to protect, deforming the world to a blackened void. As Darshun
chosen Guardian of earth—emerges from the mystical Shajin Island,
having completed his training, ready to combat the forces of evil, he
not only finds himself in the center of this chaos, but is also torn
in different directions. Part of him longs to obey the wisdom of the
Elders by relocating the crystals and fleeing Asgoth, while his
Nasharin nature thirsts for battle, eager to take on the many trials
that stand in his way, keeping him from what he desires most,
challenging Abaddon, the ultimate terror.

by J W Baccaro
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
EBook formats ISBN: 978-1-60313-985-4
Trade paperback ISBN: 978-1-61160-269-2
The Wizard Crystals of the Elements have fallen into the hands of
Abaddon, forever corrupted and transformed to evil. Abaddon now
patiently waits in his northern kingdom for the coming of
Saruinkai—the evening when the spirits of Darkness rule the night, and
when he will unleash the Crystals' horrific powers against their own
elements and sweep destruction across the earth. The Light's hope now
lies in the young Nasharin warrior Darshun Luthais—the chosen
Guardian, for he alone carries the power to stop Abaddon's black
sorcery and end the war once and for all. But to do so he must cross
over into Abaddon’s kingdom, and that means destroying the one who
guards the border, a Fallen Angelic Throne, the secret to Asgoth's
three hundred year Rule and invincibility.
Led by the elvish lord Caelestias, Darshun and his companions must
seek out and destroy the Throne, encounter a Witch, and a horde of
other vile creatures, only to stir up the entirety of Asgoth, coming
face to face with them, a battle that will determine the fate of the
PART FOUR: The Sword of Righteousness
by J.W. Baccaro
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
The Dark King Tanarokai...his ever-bitter Queen, and their ‘three
hundred year undefeated army of death’ never thought they’d see the
day when Asgoth would come crashing down by the hands of the Light.
The time draws near when the Light may hold the final victory, but
little as they know, the horrors and tribulations are just beginning,
and fate is not always fair and balanced.
Guardian of the Seventh Realm Book Four: The Sword of Righteousness is
another “chapter” in the Second Great War of the Seventh Realm.
Darshun Luthais—Nasharin warrior and chosen Guardian of earth,
continues his journey across the arctic land of Syngothra, seeking to
destroy Abaddon's Unholy Altar of Power, and bring the Second Great
War to an end. But when a new and deadly sorcerer working for Abaddon
discovers his plan, he sets up a trap for Darshun and his five
companions, a colossal army of darkness lying in wait among the frozen
elements, ready to unleash its fury once the intruders are in sight.
Now it is up to King Loreus—ruler of Loreladia to unify the scattered
races of Light, and charge into Syngothra before the trap is sprung.
For Loreus wields the Golden Sword of Purity, a weapon forged long ago
by the Five Holy Races, before darkness had separated them. With
little time to spare, the Loreladian King must stop the Elves from
another civil war, gain their trust and then encounter the Centaurs of
Cestmir, a pious Matriarchy and self-righteous race, where if they do
not remember the Sword, they may prove to be more of an enemy than
Thank you Cynthia for hosting and putting this together!!
Visit The Wytch's Mirror
Thank you for being a host for the tour. This is such a wonderful post. Great guest post Jason! Awesome!
ReplyDeleteI'm already a huge fan of Jason's books. These are some of the best fantasy novels I have read. The darkness is appropriate and it is not all dark. With five books in this series I really think everything will be balanced to a degree that no one will be saying they are simply battle oriented or just a dark fantasy. It is a battle yes, but sprinkled with plenty of sensuality, romance, light, and really a lot of human warmth that creates the bonds that will carry these characters through the entire series and give good reasons as to why their choices are made AND why there is such war and battling in the first place. Great reads! Thank you Jason for sharing your wonderful work.