Sexy Vampires Who Provided Inspiration for the H&W Investigations Series
By Jess Haines
Hello there! Jess Haines here. I’m the author of the H&W Investigations series—urban fantasy novels about Shiarra Waynest, a human private investigator in an alternate, present-day New York. Somehow she keeps getting pulled into supernatural troubles way above her pay grade…
Since Jennifer is all about the sexy stuff here, I thought you might like to hear about some of the smokin’ hot vampires that have inspired me over the years.

Frost is such a delightful asshole. He has no qualms standing up to vampires more powerful than himself, a vision for how to drag himself up the ranks, and the guts to follow through with the plan to get what he wants no matter the obstacles. All while doing it with style and attitude.
It’s really too bad he’s so evil.
On the bright side, he did help provide a plotbunny that resulted in the formation of more than one of my own bad guys. It’s a good thing when your villains are well-rounded and know what they want, and stick to their guns to get it.
4) Blade (from Blade)
Man, that guy can pull of a trench coat but good. Dark, mysterious, broody—he’s everything a vampire should be.

Too bad he’s not quite a vamp.
Blade was more of an inspiration because he was a vampire hunter, rather than because of his nature. If you know me, you may have heard me mention this before, but I originally came up with the idea for the heroine of the H&W Investigations novels, Shiarra Waynest, when I saw a trailer for the first Blade movie in theaters ages ago.
3) Selene (from Underworld)

That was what I chose to explore for Shiarra. Not starting her in the boots of the ass-kicking heroine, but taking the opportunity to use the series to grow her into them.

2) David (from The Lost Boys)
A classic vampire movie, The Lost Boys set the tone for what I was shooting for in my books. At times frightening, others hilarious, I wanted a mix of camp and horror that wasn’t afraid to feature the absurd while also exploring the serious sides of dealing with supernaturals. On that count, David is playful and seductive, but undeniably dangerous. Just like I wanted the main vampire of my series, Alec Royce, to be.
1) Spike (from Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Where, oh where, would I be without a mention of Spike? Proving that even an immortal can feel emotions deeper than most mortals, that even a vampire can grow and learn to be more than a monster, that a killer can love with burning passion, Spike embodies so many of the things a vampire could and should be. All while pulling off hilarious one-liners and looking damned fine in leather, if I may say so.

Oh, and for the hell of it, even though I wouldn’t exactly call him inspiration for any of my characters, enjoy some Eric Northman!

So, who are some of your favorite sexy vamps?
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Thanks again for having me, Jennifer!
Jess, you are always welcome here! You are killing me for the next book - and thank you for this great giveaway below.
We've got the details on Forsaken by the Others - out this July 2nd.
Forsaken by the Others Book Description:
The Others–vampires, werewolves, things that go chomp in the night–don’t just live in nightmares anymore. They’ve joined with the mortal world. And for private investigator Shiarra Waynest, that means mayhem…

Have a one night stand with a vampire, and you can end up paying for it for eternity. P.I. Shiarra Waynest, an expert on the Others, knows that better than most. Yet here she is, waking up beside charismatic vamp Alec Royce with an aching head…and neck. Luckily, Shia has the perfect excuse for getting out of town–namely, a couple of irate East Coast werewolf packs who’d like to turn her into a chew toy.
On Royce’s suggestion, Shia temporarily relocates to Los Angeles. But something is rotten–literally–in the state of California, where local vampires are being attacked by zombies. Who could be powerful enough to control them–and reckless enough to target the immortal? Following the trail will lead Shia to a terrifying truth, and to an ancient enemy with a personal grudge…
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