And what about Stevie Rae and Rephaim? The Raven Mocker refuses to be used against Stevie Rae, but what choice does he have when no one in the entire world, including Zoey, would be okay with their relationship? Does he betray his father or his heart?
In the pulse-pounding 8th book in the bestselling House of Night series, how far will the bonds of friendship stretch and how strong are the ties that bind one girl’s heart? (courtesy of Amazon)
Book 8 in the House of Night Series.
There's definitely mixed feelings about this installment in the series. Cast is constantly giving us great 'omg' cliffhangers which have kept me greatly anticipating the next book. I was on pins and needles waiting for Awakened. The Wiccan and Native American 'religious' aspect mix added with a pinch of mythology has always been a freshly unique concept for this book, adding in the Vampyre's and it was a no brainer for me. Sure it's classified as Young Adult, which if it's good, I'm diving into any book, the great thing for this series is that the characters are maturing and therefore the stories are turning on a little heat. With the young population today, at Book 8, had Cast not, it would have pushed the series 'realness'. Yet as much as I want to truly feel the book, and I did in many parts, there were a few too many forced references toward other authors and TV shows that just didn't fit.
Zoey is in over her head and has been, but somehow she keeps it above water and pulls it together. Who wouldn't want a break from it? Of course, I wouldn't want a break from Stark. He's just want she needs. The story unfolds perfectly as Zoey has to redevelop with Stark, after Burned there's a lot to heal from and overcome. She's getting a chance to learn from a Queen of the old magic. It's a direction I could feel the book moving toward. Of course, it doesn't last, Zoey needs to help her friends back home, sadly predictable. Stevie Rae and Rephaim, let's just say, just what they needed. Although, I could have done with out the twist at the end, like they don't have enough to overcome...
Our other cast - well a little overdone, there's just enough interaction, but some of it was a little too emphasized. I could say that there are parts of everyone that could have been penned a little differently. However, don't get me wrong, I liked the book. At this point in the series, you are reading to see where it's going. At 8 books, a writer has to give you some changes, try on something new and see where they are moving. Even if they have it planned out, there always that one twist that's added. I did not like the references and end with a certain 'previous' character coming back into 'Zoey's life'.
Overall I gave it 3 slices, I liked it, still plan to see where Cast is going with the series and how Zoey and Stark further develop. It's a 3 because I felt a few things were just too much for the book. Still I had to finish it, just like always with the HoN series, you want to read it and keep it going until you are done, then you sit in anticipation for the next.
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