Let me first start out with this COVER – I want those shoes!! I was waiting in line when I saw this book, I was drawn to it, but I had a ton on my TBR pile – so I didn’t grab it. I came home and one of our fellow bloggers (Demonlover) was reading it that very night and enjoying it. That was it, I had to get it, it was meant to be!
I was NOT disappointed – Humorous, Hot and Hooked – This book has the best of all worlds. From the first pages I was gripped by Charley – premise of her being the grim reaper – the steam coming from her sexy dreams – the fearless attitude – the snarky comments – how can you go wrong? I could totally relate LOL – Once you throw in a mystery to solve, this is heaven for me and I can’t wait for a sequel…(Second Grave on the Left/Aug 2011) (Cover art already for Third Grave Dead Ahead/Feb 2012)
Darynda Jones is a debut author – many of my favorites (Ward) had snippets of reviews on her book cover – Jones deserves all the praise she receives. The chapters all begin with a quote either from our lead character or randomly found by Jones. I compare her to the famous Janet Evanovich (Stephanie Plum series 17+books) where the humor and mystery collide. Jones gives it her own niche along with adding the gripping paranormal that I crave. I am crossing my fingers that Jones can go as far with this series because I want more and more of it!
Charley not only has to solve the crime and release the souls, but she needs to search her own soul and find her mystery dream visitor – could it be who she thinks…no one has yet been able to explain what she has dealt with since she can remember. Let me tell you, those dreams she has, I said Hot before and I meant it – of course when they start coming on while she’s awake and in a room full of people………
Again, Jones must have writing in her blood, because from out the gate she’s amazing. Grab this book and get to reading! This is the moment where we’ve realized greatness and we just need more of it!
(Note: love shortening Charlotte to Charley – in fact – it’s what I did with my niece)I don't do it often - but I think this one deserves the extra - 6 slices and that last one is a BIG one :)
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